Joan Holman


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"Joan Holman is a well-spring of spiritual wisdom and business acumen. And she cares and gives. A true light in this world.”Patrick Combs  - Joan with Patrick at his smash hit one-man show "Man 1, Bank 0”. He is a bestselling author, inspirational speaker and a performing artist.

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Joan Holman Background - (seen here in photo at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming)


Joan Holman–A Renaissance Woman

Nationally has been recognized as one of America's top Internet marketing experts. For 30 years, Joan Holman helped businesses, organizations, authors, entreprenuers, and professionals with online marketing, business development, branding, public relations, book development and book marketing and the development and improvement of web sites. Joan provided leadership, vision, creativity and insight to an international clientele. An author, ghostwriter, speaker and television producer, Joan's knowledge, experience and extensive network of contacts put her at the forefront of progressive developments in all areas of modern life.

Joan Holman Is One of the Most Successful Online Marketing Experts on the Planet (Joe Wikert, Vice President, John Wiley & Sons)


Joan Holman is featured in the book Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing Gurus (published by John Wiley & Sons 2008) with VPs of Google and Yahoo! and other industry leaders. 

Her name leads the list of acclaimed online marketing experts in this book published by the one of the top business publishers in the world. 

 Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing GurusRead book excerpts and download Chapter 1 (an interview with Joan).

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Joan Holman is featured in the book Dear Success Seeker: Wisdom from Outstanding Women by Michele Wright, Ph.D., along with a number of noteworthy women including Gayle King, the Editor at Large for O, the Oprah Magazine; tennis champion Billie Jean King; actress Phylicia Rashad; actress Della Reese; Joan Ganz Cooney, the founder of Sesame Street; and others. (published 2009 by Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster)

Joan Holman Was A Book Development Consultant for the Book"Dear Success Seeker" and Secured An Exclusive Interview for the Book with Gayle King as well as the involvement of many women celebrities and history-makers

"Dear Success Seeker: Wisdom from Outstanding Womenis a collection of "success letters" and advice from 85 diverse women. Joan secured a large number of noteworthy women to be featured in the book and her work on the book and her marketing strategy for the book was instrumental in securing Simon & Schuster as the publisher. 

Women Celebrities / History Makers / Leaders / Luminaries

The foreword to Dear Success Seeker is written by philanthrophist, educator and producer Camille Cosby. For the book, Joan got an exclusive  interview with Gayle King (Editor at Large for O, The Oprah Magazine and a regular personality on the Oprah Show). The book includes Phylicia Rashad (lead actress of "The Cosby Show"); actress Della Reese; astronaut, engineer and physician Dr. Mae Jemison; actress Shirley Jones; civil rights leaders Rosa Parks and Dr. Dorothy Height; tennis star Billie Jean King; faith leader Joyce Meyer; Senator Mary Landrieu; Academy-award winning actress Mo'Nique; Sesame Street creator Joan Ganz Cooney; restaurant entrepreneur Leeann Chin; singer Patti LaBelle; Nobel prize winner Dr. Rosalyn Yalow; and many other noteworthy women. 


PHOTO: Joan Holman with the featured people on her Legacy of Achievement Television Program

Founder and Director of Legacy of Achievement Foundation– Joan Holman established the Legacy of Achievement Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to "using film and video and other means to create and disseminate an educational library documenting the lives and lessons of outstanding individuals of all races who exemplify positive characteristics and accomplishments. Joan is the creator and producer of the award-winning PBS television program The Legacy of Achievement featuring the lives and lessons of great achievers. She is also the Founder and Director of The Legacy of Achievement Foundation which is dedicated to preserving the legacies of great achievers using film, video and other media.


Former Director of Tourism for the City of Minneapolis –After graduating from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she worked in the public relations department while attending school, Joan was hired by the MInneapolis Chamber of Commerce to develop special tourism programs and within months was promoted to become Director of Tourism for the City of Minneapolis. During her nearly six years in this position, she organized and implemented a cooperative effort between the public and private sector for economic development through the tourism industry. She initiated the first tourism economic impact study for the metro area, working with the University of Minnesota. She created the first "familiarization tours" for travel agents and travel writers to the city of Minneapolis. 

Joan created the Mary Tyler Moore Table–a popular tourist attraction. She created the first series of annual tourism conferences in the city of Minneapolis. Working with media throughout the United States and the world, she brought major media attention to Minneapolis. 

Joan was instrumental in making Minnesota a popular location for feature film production and was involved in the early development of the Minneapolis Film Board.  As part of these efforts, she worked on feature film productions, including locations, casting, and involement of community resources for production and promotion.


"Hollywood" Producer-- Joan left her position as Director of Tourism and headed to Hollywood where she worked as an independent producer. 

After realizing that Hollywood was not going to be the place to produce uplifting and inspiring films (it was going to be a real struggle to try to do so), she returned to the Twin Cities of Minneaplis-St. Paul to pursue post-graduate studies in the field of psychology. 


Psychotherapist / and College Psychology Instructor at the College of Visual Arts--After graduating from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago with an M.A. in Counseling Psychology, Joan set up her own private practice in Minneapolis which she called "Psychotherapy for Normal People". She spent thousands of hours studying human behavior and human potential and combined research in history, philosophy, religion, psychology, art, science and culture to develop and teach her own original course of introductory psychology at the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also drew upon her background as an artist and her studies abroad at the Universita Internazionale Dell'Arte, a private art school in Florence, Italy, where she pursued her training in fine arts. After several years of working in the field of psychology, Joan returned to work in the media, communications, marketing, television, and video.


Protege of the Legendary Marketing Genius Jay Abraham –Working with businesses to help them achieve success, much of Joan's marketing expertise came through her studies with the brilliant Los-Angeles-based marketing genius Jay Abraham. She consulted for a number of companies using many of Jay's techniques, with impressive results and positively affected the bottom line of many businesses. Her online marketing work, including marketing-optimized websites, generated millions of dollars in revenues for her clients.


Internet Consulting, Speaking, Internet Marketing -- As an Internet consultant, Joan has been an expert in Internet marketing, domain name and branding consulting, search engine optimization, and Web site design and development. 

She has over 30 years of combined experience in marketing, communications, publishing, public relations, television and video and has been specializing in the Internet in 1995. 

She was one of the first people in the world to have her own domain name and web site. 

Dedicated to helping create business success, she gave many presentations about the Internet, marketing and on how to be successful in business.

Joan was also instrumental in establishing eWomenNetwork in Minneapolis-St. Paul, and was a premier eWomenNetwork faculty member specializing in Internet marketing.

Work with Entrepreneurs and Start-Up Companies–Joan has advised many entreprenuers and business owners about marketing strategy and business development. 

She served as a consultant at the University of St. Thomas Small Business Development Center (SBDC), working primarly with start-up companies. She has also attended the Fast Trac II program for business owners.


PBS Television Producer – As a independent television producer, Joan created and produced The Legacy of Achievement with Dennis Kimbro (author with Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice), an award-winning television program that was broadcast nationally on PBS stations. Corporate training and educational versions of the program were also  created and sold in those markets. Disney, IBM, Dupont, the University of Colorado, the University of South Carolina, Northwest Airlines, high schools, and libraries are among those who purchased the program. She has also produced videos about the world-renowned New Zealand physical therapist Robin McKenzie.


A Dynamic Motivational Speaker– In addition to speaking about business and the Internet, including being a keynote speaker at such companies as Medtronic, Joan is an expert on the science of success and the development of human potential and has spoken throughout the country as a motivational speaker.

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Consultant to World-Renowned Massage Pioneer Sister Rosalind Time Magazine–Joan was a consultant to renown massage pioneer Sister Rosalind Gefre, who has been featured in . and the Sister Rosalind Schools and Clinics of Massage and the Sister Rosalind Christian Ministries for several years.

Joan is the author of Hands That Touch, Hands That Heal, the biography of Sister Rosalind. Joan is responsible for the creation, development and design of this book as well as the publishing, distribution and marketing of the book.


Work with Authors –Joan has worked with a number of authors including Michele Wright, Ph.D. (Dear Success Seeker); Kathryn Harwig (The Intuitive Advantage); Jane Stevenson and Bilal Kaafarani (Breaking Away: How Great Leaders Create Innovation that Drives Sustainable Growth–and Why Others Fail); Dennis Kimbro, Ph.D. (Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice); Janie Jasin (million book bestseller The Littlest Christmas Tree); Keith Gaddy Davis (The Pause);  May Yue (The Tao of Youth); Joan Solomon (Secrets in the Garden); Barbara Burke (The Napkin, The Melon & The Monkey); Barb Greenberg (After the Ball); and Meg Robinson (Drawn by A Star); Jan Lowe and Tracy Lungrin (Career Code: Know Your Code, Find Your Fit); George Labovitz, Ph.D. (Rapid Realignment); Othello Bach (Whoever Heard of A Fird);  Luis Solis (Innovation Alchemists) and others.


Joan Holman is the founder of two organizations that have a mission to help inspire and lead our youth to lead positive, fulfilling and heroic lives.

The Legacy of Achievement Foundation is dedicated to creating a film/video library the presents positive role models to young people. 

The focus is on character, on integrity and on the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. 

The Legacy of Achievement Foundation seeks out the "jewels", those great achievers who exemplify such qualities as faith; determination; perserverance; compassion; service; integrity; inspiration; and moral character. 

Young people need to see positive role models who embody these characteristics, not just the usual celebrities, sports heroes, movie stars and rock stars who always get the limelight and who often are very bad role models.”


At the end of our journey of life, each of us needs to know that we have contributed to others and that our life has meaning.

What we have contributed to others, to our families, to our community and the larger community is the legacy we leave.

Each life has value.

Each life has a mission and purpose.

And each life touches countless lives.

As Clarence the angel told George Bailey in the film "It's A Wonderful Life:"

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

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The Great Achievers Who Have Integrity and Moral Character–Joan Holman says: "Several years ago I made it my goal to document (through film, video and other media) the lives and lessons of great achievers in the world who exemplify the best of the human spirit. People I call the "jewels." People who are not the usual celebrities and idols, but high-achieving men and women who demonstrate integrity and moral character and compassion and service and sacrifice and self-transformation through struggle and perserverance and courage.

This goal led me to create and produce my award-winning Legacy of Achievement television program, which has been broadcast on PBS stations throughout the country and which is also being used in corporations, organizations and schools .

Postive Role Models–This goal also led me to create The Legacy of Achievement Foundation, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to creating a film/video library that will be a repository of positive role models for this and future generations. Interviews with these role models will be used in television programing, films and in educational media programs for young people. Young people especially need to see role models who embody positive characteristics, not just the celebrities, sports heroes, movie stars and rock stars who always get the limelight and who often are very bad role models.

Great achievers can show us the way to manifest our own dreams and fulfill our own calling in life. As we listen to the stories of those featured in the Legacy of Achievement, it becomes apparent that all people who truly live their dreams and accomplish great things have to endure risk, hardship and sacrifice.

Your Hero’s Journey–Ordinary people become extraordinary when they perservere through adversity, obstacles and opposition in order to fulfill their life purpose. This is truly the Hero's Journey we must all undergo in order to leave our own personal legacy of achievement."

The Spiritual Cinema Alliance –I founded the Spiritual Cinema Alliance, which was dedicated to developing and promoting spiritually-uplifting films and media projects. It focused on promoting media projects that inspire and direct young people to embrace higher spiritual realities and values.

What Is A Spiritually Exalted Film?

It is a film that uplifts and inspires, that explores higher realities and the spiritual potential of man and woman. It is a film that exalts the worth of the individual and shows the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. It is a film that differentiates between light and darkness and affirms light as the essential nature of all things spiritual. It is a film that leads people, through images, music and messages, to create inner and outer worlds of beauty, truth, love, harmony and happiness. 


Book Development, Book Marketing, Television Production


Book Development from Start to Finish– Joan Holman is the author of "Hands That Touch, Hands That Heal," the biography of massage pioneer Sister Rosalind Gefre. Joan wrote, developed and came up with the book title for this book. She also worked with a co-designer to create the book cover design of this book. And she managed the publishing, distribution and marketing of the book. 

Joan secured respected Christian distributor Faithworks to distribute the book and both she and Sister Rosalind have done a number of book signings and appearances and radio interviews. 


A true pioneer of therapeutic massage, Sister Rosalind began practicing massage when it was associated with "massage parlors" and the sex industry, a fact that created controversy and difficulties for her not only with her own religious community, but with the secular community as well. Sister Rosalind has been recognized by Time Magazine as one of the early proponents of massage in the United States.  

Over 10,000 people have taken Sister Rosalind massage classes since the opening of her first school in 1984 and she has received widespread recognition for her important role in making massage an accepted and respected healthcare practice.

Creator & Producer of PBS Television Program -- As a independent television producer, Joan Holman created and produced the award-winning public television program The Legacy of Achievement with Dennis Kimbro (Dr. Kimbro is author with Napoleon Hill of the bestselling book, "Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice").

In addition to being broadcast throughout the United States on PBS stations, corporate training and educational versions of the Legacy of Achievement have also been created and are being sold in to corporations and educational institutions. This includes Disney, IBM, Dupont, the University of Colorado, the University of South Carolina, Northwest Airlines, high schools, and public libraries.

The Legacy of Achievement Foundation is a nonprofit founded by Joan Holman and dedicated to the creation of an educational library documenting the lives and lessons of great achievers of all races who exemplify positive characteristics and accomplishments. This library will be used in the development of television programs, audio-video materials, books, and other media programs. Legacy of Achievement programs present great role models to a wide audience, feature the best of the human spirit, need support from people who care about bringing positive role models to young people and all people through the media.

Original Legacy of Achievement PBS TV Program

Broadcast on PBS Stations nationally, the original Legacy of Achievement television program featured five top achievers and was hosted by Dr.Dennis Kimbro. The  program participants from left to right were: Scott Olson, Founder, Rollerblade, Inc.; Dennis Kimbro; Dr. Reatha Clark King, President, General Mills Foundation; Joan Holman, Producer of the Legacy of Achievement; Tom Gegax, Founder, Tires Plus; Arlene DeCandia, Founder, Riverwood Conference Center; and Dean Mitchell, artist.

Legacy of Achievement Film Library -- Joan Holman established the Legacy of Achievement Foundation dedicated to "using film and video and other means to create and disseminate an educational library documenting the lives and lessons of outstanding individuals of all races who exemplify positive characteristics and accomplishments." Joan is currently actively in production with Legacy of Achievement interviews that will be part of a large film/video library of some of the great achievers of our times. 

Joan Holman with Philanthropic Leader Dr. Reatha Clark King -- Dr. Reatha Clark King, former President and Executive Director of the General Mills Foundation is one of the individuals who will be part of an advisory group being created for the Legacy of Achievement Foundation. Dr. King has held many leadership positions on the local and national level, serving on boards and task forces for numerous philanthropic, civic, nonprofit, higher education, corporate and government organizations and agencies. Dr. King was a member of the board of directors of the Minnesota Council on Foundations from 1990 to 1999, and chaired the board from 1993 to 1995. Currently she sits on the boards of the University of Chicago (life trustee), H. B. Fuller Company Foundation, Clark Atlanta University, Exxon Corporation, Hispanics In Philanthropy and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. 


Joan Holman with Acclaimed Artist Dean Mitchell – Another advisor for the Legacy of Achievement Foundation is Dean Mitchell who is recognized as one of the finest painters in America and who has been awarded almost every major painting award in the country. Coming from poverty and raised by his grandmother, Dean has risen to the heights of the art world. His work, which deals with the universal themes of life, death, family and psychological and spiritual revelations, has appeared in numerous publications and can be found in private, corporate and museum collections across the United States. 

Dr. Masuru Emoto, author of "Messages from Water" Was Interviewed by Joan Holman for the Legacy of Achievement of Foundation– Dr. Emoto researches water and the changes that occur in its molecular structure through the influence of prayer and sound. His groundbreaking books "Messages From Water Vol. 1, 2, and 3" and the book "The Hidden Messages from Water" present his research methods and results. Dr. Emoto, who lives in Toyko, Japan, traveled the world sharing his message of HADO: "The intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter." Dr. Emoto's stunning water crystal photographs visibly demonstrate how our thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. His reproducible research scientifically demonstrates the beneficial as well as detrimental effects of prayer and sound.

TESTIMONIALS -What People Say about Joan Holman

JOAN PROVIDED INVALUABLE HELP WITH MY BOOK– "Joan Holman was an integral force in the development of my book Dear Success Seeker: Wisdom from Outstanding Women (Simon & Schuster). She was involved in securing key contributors to the book, (including an exclusive interview with Gayle King) and she provided invaluable consultation about the positioning and marketing of the book. Joan is a passionate, committed and dedicated person and her involvement with my book has been an immense blessing. But equally as important, she has been a blessing in my life as a supporter, encourager and friend. When I count my blessings, I count Joan Holman twice!" 

– Michele Wright, Ph.D., author

JOAN HOLMAN IS A TRUE LIGHT IN THIS WORLD– "Joan Holman is a well-spring of spiritual wisdom and business acumen. And she cares and gives. A true light in this world."

Patrick Combs, best-selling author of Major in Success, inspirational speaker & performing artist

JOAN HOLMAN HAS A BRILLIANT MARKETING MIND–"Joan Holman is someone you want on your entrepreneurial development team. She has a brilliant marketing mind and really knows the Internet!"

Natalie L. Wood, founder, MizBiz

JOAN HOLMAN IS A BOOK GURU & A GUIDING LIGHT–I think of Joan as a BOOK GURU.  She has been a guiding light in the production of my first ebook, which is also being made available as a print on demand book. She read my romantic, historical thriller and immediately diagnosed a slow-moving beginning that needed to be a better match to the action-filed middle and end. She looked at the cover and shared insights on how to give it more appeal, everything from costuming to subtitle. She constructed a striking website that reflects my vision for the book with verbal hooks to catch the right reader.  She came up with clever additions to engage the website visitor, like if Blame it on Bovary were made into a movie who would be the leading lady.  Joan offers a wealth of experience to the writers enter this new world of publishing.

Elaine Wagner

author of Blame it on Bovary, Feeling the Distance, A Case of Bottled Murder

JOAN HOLMAN IS PURE GOLD–"After completing my travel memoir, "Drawn by a Star", and deciding I needed help to market it because the proceeds of the book are going to two charities in Peru, I surfed the net and almost immediately found Joan Holman’s website. I can’t describe the excitement I felt as I read about her credentials. Joan is an artist, a writer, a psychologist, has worked in the film industry...and the list grew more and more interesting. As an artist, a scriptwriter and as yet unpublished author myself, I felt I’d struck gold.  But, after an initial couple of emails I wondered if I was going to be right out of my depth.  Here was a highly professional person so successful and so accomplished, was she going think marketing my work a waste of her time?  On the contrary, what has transpired has been helpful guidance beyond anything I could ever have imagined.   Joan is a sensitive artist, a highly gifted writer and communicator, plus she is a former teacher of psychology. She has treated my manuscript with huge respect and interest, made me feel a real writer and made me feel a friend. And possibly the most helpful aspect of all my work with her to date has been her amazing ability to ask the deepest of questions.   These questions have clarifed the bigger picture of what I’m trying to express in my book and to solve in my life, because the two are indisputably intertwined. This is where she put on her psychologist’s hat.  I felt I was in the presence of a great mentor, somebody whose insights and awareness left me unable to walk away from her questions.  In her questioning, I’ve been challenged to rewrite the final section of my book, and in doing so, have exorcised a secret that has haunted me for 36 years. The release from this is priceless. Whatever happens to the marketing of my book and its future, my own future is now brighter and lighter and sparkles thanks to the expertise, guidance and encouragement of this extraordinary person who so generously is willing to go the extra mile with her clients.  Thank you Joan, you are quite simply, pure gold."

Meg Robinson

JOAN HOLMAN IS ONE OF THE FEW WOMEN WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO BUILD ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS. HER KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MARKETING ON THE INTERNET IS AMAZING!–"Joan Holman is one of the brightest women I know. Her knowledge about marketing on the Internet is amazing. She is one of very few women who actually knows how to use the Internet to build any type of business." 

Kris Solie-Johnson, Owner & Chancellor, American Institute of Small Business

"LOOK NO FURTHER TRYING TO FIND A WEBSITE DESIGNER & ONLINE MARKETING & BRANDING EXPERT.”Joan Holman has been instrumental to the success of my business.–She has taken my company to the next level with our development. In my search for a new website and online marketing company it became very important that I find an industry leader. My first meeting with Joan was a magnificent moment because I realized I found just the right person and company. Joan was delightful to work with and also helped guide me with new ideas and goals for our company. In less than two weeks Joan had the new website up and published with immediate effect to the amount of calls I received. She also helped to rebrand my corporate image with a new logo that tied together perfectly with the new website. Look no further trying to find an online marketing expert." (

John Brawley, President, Premier Travel Service

JOAN HOLMAN HAS BEEN INVALUABLE IN OUR BUSINESS–"Joan Holman is one of my all time favorite people and has been invaluable in our business. If you need expert advice, get it from Joan!"

Randy Rogers, CEO & President, Capital Benefits Group

JOAN REALLY PUTS HEART INTO HER WORK FOR YOU"Joan Holman listened to my vision for my business and translated it into a website. Lots of people will build you a website; Joan will build you one with heart." 

–Paul Bosman, BosmanLegal, PC

JOAN HOLMAN'S ONLINE MARKETING AUDIT IS OF GREAT VALUE! “Joan Holman's online marketing audit was of great value! She gave me specific recommendations that are easy to implement. She also made it easy to comprehend verbally and with written instructions. I would highly recommend her audit!"

Julie Ann Segal, President, Metropolitan Interiors

JOAN HOLMAN IS MAKING MY WILDEST DREAMS COME TRUE!  MY SALES HAVE INCREASED BY 50%!–"The new website Joan Holman has developed for my company has increased our sales by 50%." 

Steve Van Oss, President, First Pitch 

A GIFTED LEADER–"Joan Holman is a truly gifted leader and outstanding community servant. She is creative, sensitive, and committed to the best products, to do the most good, for the most people. She clearly cares for enhancing opportunity for the disadvantaged. Her work is uplifting to others, substantive and inclusive of all races, ages, gender and cultural backgrounds. This is just the kind of person Joan is." 

Dr. Reatha Clark King, former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, General Mills Foundation

THE GREATNESS OF JOAN HOLMAN–"Joan Holman has a relentless focus to produce something positive to lift the human spirit. I can't say enough to describe the GREATNESS of Joan Holman other than she is in simple terms a GREAT HUMAN BEING and for that she will always have my friendship and support." 

Dean L. Mitchell, acclaimed artist

JOAN HOLMAN IS A FABULOUS COMBINATION OF CREATIVE SPIRIT & PRACTICAL BUSINESS SENSE–"Joan is a fabulous combination of creative spirit and practical business sense. Her creativity helped develop my book into something more beautiful and compelling than I had ever imagined. And with her down-to-earth business talents, Joan created a step-by-step plan to bring this book into the world in a very powerful and effective way. Joan is generous with her knowledge and her resources, and she is a joy to work with." 

Barb Greenberg, author of "After The Ball: A Woman's Tale of Reclaiming Happily Ever After"

NO ONE AS GIFTED IN MARKETING AS JOAN HOLMAN–"Joan's creative work is exceptional.There is no one as gifted in marketing, particularly internet marketing as Joan." 

LeAnn Coe, Former Director Strategic Alliances and Events, Pearson School Systems

JOAN HOLMAN IS VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY, PRINT & WEB–"Joan Holman is extremely creative. Very knowledgeable about the publishing industry, print and web. She is also great fun!"

Jan Lowe, President, Rehabilitation Consultants 

FOR THE BEST ONLINE MARKETING ADVICE & WEBSITE, CONSULT WITH JOAN HOLMAN–"In working with Joan Holman it is abundantly clear that she has the expertise necessary to asses the needs of each business in order to create an optimal web presence. Joan listened carefully to my descriptions of my services as a family law attorney and the audience I want to reach through internet marketing. Her assessment of how to best design the language necessary for optimal visibility through online search engines and the delivery of an actual constructed website was both speedy and on point. I will continue to rely on Joan Holman Productions for the best online marketing advice as the site she has already constructed for me will grow my business and require even further evolution of my web presence.

Kathryn Murphy, Family Law Attorney

JOAN HOLMAN DESIGNED A FABULOUS WEBSITE IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME–"I am so grateful to Joan Holman who designed a fabulous website for me. She is extremely knowledgeable, experienced and fun to work with.  She had my website finished in a short period of time and she is making my wildest dreams come true." (

Joy Norenberg, Interior Designer

JOAN HOLMAN IS FABULOUS–"I cannot thank you enough for the time and energy you have spent helping me with my online marketing. I have shared your work with my colleagues and told them how creative and fabulous you are."

Jill Goldstein, Goldstein Mediation

THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THE FOOTPRINT JOAN HOLMAN LEFT IN MY PATH– "You are the most honest, captivating, generous, and inspiring woman that I have ever had the opportunity to meet. I left our meeting yesterday with a mind spinning with energy and a heart filled with inspiration. There are no words to describe the footprint you have left in my path." 

Angela Olson, President and Founder of AllThings, Inc.

JOAN HOLMAN IS A TOP NOTCH EXPERT– "Joan Holman is delightful to work with! Her expertise in marketing, web design and book publishing is top notch. Joan is creative and can take on any project with great results."

Kian Dwyer, Founder at World Help Organization

I LOVE THE WEBSITE JOAN HOLMAN DEVELOPED FOR ME. IT IS EXACTLY THE IMAGE I WANT TO PROJECT AND IT PROVIDES THE INFORMATION NEEDED TO MARKET MY BOOK– “I contacted Joan Holman when I first wrote my book, We Love Our Country. I needed guidance on how to market as a self-published author, and I definitely needed professional help in creating a website and developing a marketing plan to promote my book. Joan and I met and together we identified my target audience and created my marketing image (logo, email and website names). She created a truly professional website with capabilities to track the traffic. All of this I could not have done myself. She continues to update my website and always has the latest and greatest tips and trends to suggest. Joan also is known as an expert in online marketing and she gave me tips and guidance that got me set up and in business almost immediately. It is necessary to market online and again, it was something I could not have learned or figured out by myself. Visit my website,, to see the excellent work Joan is capable of doing.”

Mary L. Amlaw, author

JOAN HOLMAN IS EXTREMELY TALENTED WITH WEBSITE DESIGN"I am so thankful for Joan Holman!  She recently built a new website for me that is outstanding. Joan is extremely talented with website design.  I have already had success of clients finding me from my new website.  I am confident that Joan Holman will help me build a successful business.  I know she can do the same for anyone reading this.  Thank you Joan!"

 Dennis Dane, CPA, President, Dane Tax Solutions, LLC, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

JOAN HAS GREAT REVENUE-GENERATING IDEAS–"I attended Joan’s “Self Publishing Success Secrets” presentation at the Minneapolis Photo Center on March 25, 2010. One month later, the book I’d had on the back burner for months was in print. Since Joan is a known book expert, it was no surprise that she had good information to share. The difference is that so much of what Joan shared was super simple and instantly applicable, yielding excellent results very quickly. Here’s my personal promise to you: If you attend any event at which Joan is a speaker, you’ll come away with at least one revenue-generating idea that you can implement quickly and easily."

Rebecca Smith, author 

WORKING WITH JOAN IS TRULY A GIFT! SHE HAS A PASSION FOR HER CLIENTS– "What sets Joan apart from others in her field is a passion for her clients.  Joan takes the time to understand your vision and then accesses her vast knowledge and talents with extraordinary results.  Working with Joan is truly a gift, and her strategic marketing and business skills make her an excellent consultant for any organization wanting to grow and prosper." 

Barb Greenberg, divorce coach and author

JOAN CREATED AN AMAZING WEBSITE & GAVE ME INVALUABLE CONSULT–"Joan Holman has created an amazing website for my book, and she has provided me with invaluable consult about my book. Whatever happens to the marketing of my book and its future, my own future is brighter and lighter and sparkles thanks to the expertise, guidance and encouragement of this extraordinary person who so generously is willing to go the extra mile with her clients.  Thank you Joan, you are quite simply, pure gold.”–Meg Robinson, Artist & Author

JOAN HOLMAN'S BOOK MARKETING PRESENTATION WAS AWESOME– "Joan Holman's presentation on BOOK MARKETING was awesome. She is an outstandingly knowledgeable, articulate, engaging presenter and I totally enjoyed her workshop. My only complaint was that it was too short! Joan's workshop was a great opportunity to learn from a true mentor.  She skillfully shared her vast knowledge gleaned from years of experience, giving real-world examples to demonstrate her points. She offered tips on how to avoid some of the challenges and pitfalls both the experienced and emerging writer faces in attempting to get their work published and encouraged all writers to use their writing to serve the common good. Joan has a lot to share and does so in a very engaging way. Very highly recommended! " 

Pat Schoenecker

JOAN HOLMAN MAKES CONNECTIONS THAT ARE TRULY ELECTRIC!– "Joan Holman is a surprise package full of practical, strategic ideas for marketing and improving a business. She can easily get into 'your box' to help you think outside of it. Joan's magnetic personality makes her the center of a vast network of talented, energetic people from dozens of fields and she is generous in making connections that are truly electric!" 

Doris Rubenstein, President, Philanthrophy Development Services

JOAN HOLMAN IS A GREAT MARKETING STRATEGIST & WEB SITE DEVELOPER –"Joan Holman did a wonderful job of developing my Web site and providing me with marketing strategies to take me to the next stage of my business."

Carlian Dawson, Owner of Kisses From Me

JOAN HOLMAN IS OUR MARKETING HERO & PROVIDES LEADERSHIIP & STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR US– "Joan Holman is our 'Marketing Hero.' She is a woman of many talents and has provided extremely valuable leadership, strategic direction and a variety of services to Sister Rosalind's Schools and Clinics of Massage. This includes the development and management of our Web sites as well as online and offline marketing, promotion, advertising and public relations. When Joan recommended the publishing of a biography of Sister Rosalind, she did extensive research and wrote an outstanding book. In addition, she managed the entire production, publishing and distribution of the book. She has been successful in getting our Web sites to the top of the search engines and keeping them there. She has generated positive feature stories in magazines and newspapers. She also took the initiative to produce important archival video footage to preserve the legacy of Sister Rosalind. I would highly recommend Joan to any organization seeking someone of exceptional talent and dedication. She is a pleasure to work with and has made a significant contribution to our organization."

Peter Fahnlander, President

 Sister Rosalind Schools and Clinics of Massage

Praise for Joan Holman

"Joan Holman's skillset is one in a million and worth every penny!!" (Christina Schulz)

"To not use Joan Holman on any project, whether it be marketing, creation of a web site or developing a book you’ve been meaning to write would be a HUGE mistake. Joan Holman is first class all the way. Saying WOW about what she will do for you would be the understatment of the century. I thought I had a pretty good handle on what I needed to make a great online impression. Little did I know that my vain attempt at putting together a marketing website was futile to say the least.  I look at where I started and where I am now and am so grateful that I had the good fortune of bumping into the likes of Joan Holman. 

Joan Holman not only created the most fantastic web site for me, she took charge of developing it into a very powerful marketing tool. She took time to understand who I really am and what I am really trying to accomplish with my business. She also determined what my specific market is and then created the most perfect impression to help me achieve my business goals. I totally feel like I have the winning edge because of her insight and expertise.  

Joan is also a fantastic marketing copywriter and great at naming and branding. When it comes to making words sing and jump off of a page, Joan Holman is the master!!  She took a simple idea I had for a tag line and turned it into a sizzlin’ phrase I can use on all of my marketing, including my business cards, letterhead, email and more!!  Thank you, Joan, for helping me look great!!”

JOAN HOLMAN'S WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE IS IMPRESSIVE–"I was at your Bonus Forum session earlier today, and wanted you to know that I enjoyed it immensely! Your wealth of knowledge, generosity in sharing it, and enthusiasm were so impressive! I just looked at some of your website and signed up for your newsletter and look forward to learning more from you. Thanks! .....I LOVED your points about Napoleon Hill and telepathy and how the internet is almost a manifestation of that (in its better, more noble uses, at least!). It really is awesome, and your description of your magnificent journey was very inspiring!  Again, thanks, Joan."

Carol Brusegar

JOAN HOLMAN IS A CAPTIVATING SPEAKER–"I recently heard Joan give a speech and her presence on stage was captivating. She easily kept me riveted the entire time. She speaks passionately, openly and from the heart with warmth and a genuine personality. When she presents from the stage, you feel as if she's connecting with you directly on personal level. I highly recommend Joan for any speaking engagement. She's entertaining, thoughtful and informative."

Brenda Piekarski 

AMAZING TEACHER–"Your handouts alone were worth the price of the conference. I am finding them very helpful in planning my website launch."

Gail Ravnitzky, Gift Ideas Online, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia

JOAN HOLMAN REALLY UNDERSTANDS THE INTERNET–"I recently attended Joan's workshop at the E-Ventures conference in Washington, DC and was thoroughly impressed by the breadth and depth of her presentation. Joan really understands the ins and outs of the Internet, and brings a refreshing combination of technical and marketing expertise to the table. I highly recommend Joan and her workshops to anyone that is serious about utilizing the Internet to support their business. I know that I will be calling her when I put my site up!"

Lisa A.K. Kirchenbauer, CFP President

Kirchenbauer Financial Management & Consulting / Financial Planner (Washington, D.C.)

GREAT INFORMATION WELL PRESENTED–"I really enjoyed your presentation at the Bloomington Writer's Festival - very forthright and informative."

Paul Miller

INSPIRING SPEAKER–"Just wanted to again thank you for the inspiring talk ....I had thousands of ideas afterwards....hope I can put them to good use!"

Connie Keithahn


Recently, I was at a women's networking luncheon. We paired up in groups of two for a little networking exercise. I was paired up with another women named Joan. Now, I do not meet many women with the name Joan. It is not a common name these days, and usually it dates you. It was a more popular name during the mid 20th century and in previous centuries.

I decided it would be fun to create a club of women with the name Joan. And I thought I could start out the club listing some of the women past and present with the name Joan.

The Meaning of the Name Joan

The girl's name Joan is pronounced jone. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "the Lord is gracious". It is the medieval feminine version of John. Joan has 6 variant forms: Joane, Joanie, Joannue, Jone, Jonee and Joni.

Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the girl's name Joan. (graph from the web site "


Joan of Arc - Messenger of God -- Joan of Arc (1412 - 1431) helped the French defeat the English and was burned at the stake in 1431. She said God gave her a mandate to drive the English out of France. This mandate came to her through her direct communication with such heavenly beings as Archangel Michael, St. Margaret and St. Catherine. She was called the Maid of Orleans and was a national political hero in France, as well as a religious heroine. She was canonized in 1920.

Joan Fontaine - actress -- Joan Fontaine (born October 22, 1917) is an Academy Award-winning British actress, who became an American citizen in April 1943. She was born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland in Tokyo, Japan, the younger daughter of Walter de Havilland, and the former Lilian Augusta Ruse, a British actress known by her stage name of Lilian Fontaine, who married in 1914, and divorced when Joan was two. Walter was a British patent attorney with a practice in Japan. She is the younger sister of actress Olivia de Havilland, from whom she has been estranged since 1975; both attended Los Gatos High School and the Notre Dame Convent Roman Catholic girls school in Belmont, California.

Joan Crawford - actress -- (1908-1977) born on March 23. US actress, dancer. She won an Oscar for "Mildred Pierce," 1945. Her reputation was tarnished by her daughter's 1978 biography "Mommie Dearest."

Joan Baez - Folk Singer -- Joan Chandos Baez (born in Staten Island, NYC, USA, on January 9, 1941, to Mexican and British parents) is an American folk singer and songwriter known for her highly individual vocal style. She is a soprano with a three-octave vocal range[1] and a distinctively rapid vibrato. Many of her songs are topical and deal with social issues. She is best known for her hits "There But For Fortune", "Diamonds & Rust" and "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down", and to a lesser extent,"We Shall Overcome," "Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word" and "Farewell Angelina".

Joan Collins - Writer -- Joan Henrietta Collins OBE (born 23 May 1933) is a Golden Globe Award winning British actress and bestselling author.

Joan Kennedy - former wife of Ted Kennedy -- Joan Bennett Kennedy was born Virginia Joan Bennett on September 2, 1936 in Riverdale, New York. She was the daughter of Henry Wiggin Bennett, Jr. and the former Virginia Joan Stead. She attended Manhattanville College, a Sacred Heart Academy, along with several Kennedy daughters. Through them, she met her future husband, Edward Moore Kennedy (Ted Kennedy).

Joan Sutherland - Opera Singer -- Dame Joan Sutherland, OM, AC, DBE (born November 7, 1926) is an Australian dramatic coloratura soprano noted for her contribution to the bel canto renaissance of the 1950s and 1960s. Sutherland is known for her soprano voice of Wagnerian proportions with its extreme flexibility, ethereal presence and instantly recognisable unique silvery timbre. She was hailed La Stupenda after an Alcina performance in La Fenice in 1960. Joan Sutherland was born in Sydney. Her mother was a mezzo soprano who had given up her career. She learned a lot from her mother, with whom she used to sing and listen to many recordings. She attended St Catherine's School, Waverley, the oldest Anglican girls' school in Sydney. When Sutherland was 18, she started to study singing seriously. She made her debut in Australia as Dido in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, in 1952.

Joan Rivers - American comedienne -- Joan Rivers (born Joan Sandra Molinsky on June 8, 1933) is an American comedienne, actress, talk show host, businesswoman, and celebrity. She is known for her brash manner and loud, raspy voice with a heavy metropolitan New York accent. Rivers is the National Chairwoman of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and is a board member of God's Love We Deliver. Like the ground-breaking Phyllis Diller, Rivers' act relied heavily on poking fun at herself. A typical Rivers joke about her unattractiveness: "I used to stand by the side of the road with a sign: 'Last girl before freeway.'"

Joan Cusack - American Actress-- Born on 11 October 1962, New York, New York, USA with the birth name of Joan Mary Cusack. Cusack was the first regular cast member of "Saturday Night Live" (1975) (1985-86 season) to be nominated for an Academy Award. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her work in Working Girl (1988). One of her conditions for starring in the show "What About Joan" (2001) was that it had to be produced in Chicago so she would not have to leave her family. In the mid-1980s, was a co-founder of the three woman improv comedy troupe, "An Impulsive Thing", with Bonnie Hunt and Holly Wortell.

Joan Benoit - Marathon Runner-- Joan Benoit Samuelson (born May 16, 1957) is an American marathon runner who won gold at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, the year that the women's marathon was introduced. As a result she was the first ever women's Olympic marathon champion. 


My expertise is drawn from extensive experience with business, in economic development, public-private sector partnerships, the media, the fields of psychology and healing, the Internet, publishing, education, the entertainment industry, marketing and communications.

As a student of the science of success and the lives and lessons of the greatest achievers, I am the creator and producer of the PBS television program The Legacy of Achievement featuring some of the great achievers of our time, those who are successful but not necessarily famous, although they are well known within their own communities and professions. (It is kind of like a cross between Biography and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, only the people are not famous.)

My experience and involvement with remarkably successful people has taught me a lot.  (photo of me at left interviewing Earl Bakken for The Legacy of Achievement at his home on the Big Island of Hawaii)

Among my mentors and teachers and those I have been involved with in any number of projects are legendary marketing genius Jay Abraham, entrepreneur and co-founder of the world's largest medical technology company and developer of the pacemaker Earl Bakken; successful entrepreneur Tom Gegax (founder of Tires Plus); successful entrepreneur Karen Oman (founder of Certes Financial Pros); the highest paid African-American artist in the world Dean Mitchell; massage pioneer Sister Rosalind Gefre; the leading motivational speaker in the world for youth Patrick Combs, and many others.

One of my greatest passions is helping people achieve their potential and their dreams.

Spirits in the Garden Book

Joan Holman consulted to artist, photographer and author Joan Solomon on the development, publishing and marketing of her book Spirits in the Garden, as well as her web site to promote the book.

Joan Holman –Keynote Speaker at Medtronic 

Joan's presentation at an awards program for Medtronic Corporation employees was "Success Secrets to Accelerate New Possibilities" 

"Joan Holman Is A Truly Gifted Leader"

– Dr. Reatha Clark King

"I have been BLOWN AWAY by how Joan Holman has been able to build my Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo book brand in such a short time."

Dr. Oneeka Williams, top Harvard-trained surgeon and children's book author 

"I highly recommend Joan Holman! She is passionate about her craft, insightful and committed to excellence. Her authenticity is palpable and enthusiasm infectious. She connects to your vision and then is extremely effective in transforming it into concrete results. I have been blown away by how she has been able to build my Dr. Dee Dee Dynamo  brand in such a short time.”

Joan Holman's name leads the list of acclaimed online marketing experts in the book published by John Wiley & sons:  Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing Gurus. 

Read book excerpts and download Chapter 1 (an interview with Joan).

"Joan Holman has a brilliant marketing mind and really knows the Internet!"

Natalie L. Wood, founder,

"What sets Joan Holman apart from others in her field is a passion for her clients. Joan takes the time to understand your vision and then accesses her vast knowledge and talents with extraordinary results. Working with Joan is truly a gift." 

Author Barb Greenberg

"Coming across Joan Holman among the many book marketing professionals on the Internet was a blessingthat continues to affirm my faith in a God of miracles. She read and analyzed and immediately identified key effective marketing strategies for my book and breathed life into my book. She has made my book stand out and shine.”

--Francis Mandewah


"Joan Holman's SKILLSET Is One in A Million!"

"To not use Joan Holman on any project, whether it be marketing, creation of a web site or developing a book you’ve been meaning to write would be a HUGE mistake. Her skillset is one in a million and worth every penny!!"

Christina Schulz, The Network Diva 

Author Joan Holman

Biography of Renown Massage Pioneer Sister Rosalind

 Sister Rosalind Gefre with Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Chairman and former CEO of Carlson Companies, Inc. Marilyn is shown here holding a copy of Joan Holman's biography of Sister Rosalind "Hands that Touch, Hands that Heal". 

PBS Television Producer

Joan Holman with New York Times Bestselling Author Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay is a friend and mentor of Joan's and was the sponsor of Joan Holman’s PBS television program "The Legacy of Achievement" which features the "lives and lessons" of high achievers with host Dr. Dennis Kimbro, co-author with Napoleon Hill of  the bestselling book THINK AND GROW RICH: A BLACK CHOICE.

"Joan Holman is a well-spring of spiritual wisdom and business acumen. And she cares and gives. A true light in this world."

–Patrick Combs 

Joan Holman with Patrick at his one-man show "Man 1, Bank 0"

Patrick Combs, best-selling author of Major in Success, inspirational speaker & performing artist.

Sandra Yancey & Joan Holman

Sandra Yancey is Founder & CEO of eWomenNetwork. Joan Holman was instrumental in helping to establish EWN in Minnesota and served as a premier faculty member for EWN.

About Joan (Joan Holman's book publishing & book marketing website) Holman self publishing website)

Joan Holman Is A Nationally-Acclaimed Online Marketing Expert, A Consultant, Author & Producer

Nationally recognized as one of America's top Internet marketing experts, Joan Holman is Chief Enlightenment Officer of Joan Holman Productions, a Minneapolis-based company that helps businesses, organizations, authors and professionals with online marketing, business development, branding, public relations, book development and book marketing and the development and improvement of web sites.

A broad-based consultant, Joan provides leadership, vision, creativity and insight to a nationale clientele. An author, ghostwriter, speaker and television producer, Joan's knowledge, experience and extensive network of contacts put her at the forefront of progressive developments in all areas of modern life.

Joan is featured in the book Online Marketing Heroes: Interviews with 25 Successful Online Marketing Gurus (published by John Wiley & Sons) with VPs of Google and Yahoo! and other industry leaders and she is also featured in the book Dear Success Seeker: Wisdom from Outstanding Women along with a number of noteworthy women including Gayle King, the Editor at Large for O, the Oprah Magazine; tennis champion Billie Jean King; actress Phylicia Rashad; actress Della Reese; Joan Ganz Cooney, the founder of Sesame Street; and others. (published by Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster)

Joan is the creator and producer of the award-winning PBS television program The Legacy of Achievement  featuring the lives and lessons of great achievers. She is also the founder and Director of The Legacy of Achievement Foundation which is dedicated to preserving the legacies of great achievers using film, video and other media.

Former Director of Tourism for the city of Minneapolis and the Minnesota  Film Board Development -- After graduating from the University of Minnesota, where she worked in the public relations department while attending school, Joan was hired by the MInneapolis Chamber of Commerce to develop special tourism programs and within months was promoted to become Director of Tourism for the City of Minneapolis. During her nearly six years in this position, she organized and implemented a cooperative effort between the public and private sector for economic development through the tourism industry. She initiated the first tourism economic impact study for the metro area, working with the University of Minnesota. She created the first "familiarization tours" for travel agents and travel writers to the city of Minneapolis. She created the Mary Tyler Moore Table -- a popular tourist attraction. She created the first series of annual tourism conferences in the city of Minneapolis. Working with media throughout the United States and the world, she brought major media attention to Minneapolis. She was also instrumental in making Minnesota a popular location for feature film production and was involved in the early development of the Minneapolis Film Board. As part of these efforts, she worked on feature film productions, including locations, casting, and involement of community resources for production and promotion.

"Hollywood" Producer-- Joan left her position as Director of Tourism and headed to Hollywood where she worked as an independent producer. However, she did not like living in Hollywood and returned to the Twin Cities to pursue post-graduate studies in the field of psychology. 

My good friend Paul Shaw is one of the most outstanding concert pianists in the world. A Ph.D. graduate of Juilliard and a top prize winner in the William Kapell International Competition and the Young Concert Artists International Auditions, Paul has performed in prestigious venues including Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center, Beethovenhalle, the Hall of the Americas and the Marlboro Music Festival. Paul and his talented pianist wife Anne (also a Juillard graduate) are two very dear friends who have charmed and delighted audiences with their performances in my home. 

This is a photo of me with Janie Jasin, humorist, speaker, performer and best-selling author of The Littlest Christmas Tree and singer, composer, recording artist Terry Canady at one of my very fun and entertaining parties! What's a party without entertainment!. I designed and developed Janie's Web site and she is a wonderful, funny, caring friend. The Littlest Christmas Treehas sold over one million copies.

Joan Holman with former First Lady of Minnesota Terry Ventura, wife of the former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventur

© Joan Holman 2022 - Centerplace Media, LLC - 13033 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 167, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305 - 031522