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Are You One of Those People Who Long for a Better World?

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“All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.” Eckhart Tolle

“True artists create from the “Centerplace”– that place that connects to divine Source.”–Joan Holman

From an early age, I loved the creative arts. Painting, drawing, writing, music, storytelling, and drama.

ART–As a child, I had a natural talent for drawing and painting, and I had art shows, and sold my artwork, and won art competitions.

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MUSIC–I also studied piano, was classically trained, and gave annual piano recitals. 

My two best friends in grade school shared my love of music, and we would get together and play the piano and sing many of the popular movie musical songs of the times. 

STORYTELLING & DRAMA–As a child, I had a very active imagination and I spent endless hours creating stories and theatrically “producing" them in the basement of our home, using my dolls and the theatrical sets that I created.  

WRITING–I loved to write, and I started writing my first novel at an early age. It was the story of a white girl kidnapped by American Indians and raised as an Indian. 


After growing up in a small town in North Dakota, I went to college at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where I majored in Fine Arts. 

PRIVATE ART SCHOOL IN FLORENCE, ITALY–During my junior year, I lived and studied abroad at a private art school in Florence, Italy, immersing myself in the history, art and culture of that great city, which was the heart of the Renaissance. I loved classical art and beauty, but, unfortunately, that is what was not in style in the art world and popular culture at that time, and I could see no way to make a living as an artist. So I went down a different path with my career. 

MY FORMER BUSINESS CAREER–Now, after a 30 years long career with my own business (1991-2021) as an “Online Marketing Guru” and a “Book Marketing Diva”, I am moving into a new direction in my life. 

MY NEW FOCUS–Beginning in January 2022, my focus will be on my own creative artistic endeavors, which may include my own books, films, videos, music, writings, and media projects.

My goal is to bring heaven to earth and bring joy, beauty, truth, and uplift to humanity. 

And I believe that the acceleration of truth as art is the key to manifesting a better world! 

Joan Holman

Chief Creative Officer, Centerplace Media, LLC

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We Need Creative Arts that Feed the Soul. Beauty transports us from the world of the commonplace to the transcendent. All that we perceive as beautiful brings us into another frequency of experience. It takes us from the commonplace to the centerplace, the divine source of all life.


If you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.”Frank Lloyd Wright

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."John Keats

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Art will unify all humanity. Art is one—indivisible. Art has its many branches, yet all are one.”Art is the manifestation of the coming synthesis; art is for all. Everyone will enjoy true art. The gates of the ‘sacred source’ must be wide open for everybody and the light of art will influence numerous hearts with a new love. At first this feeling will be unconscious but after all it will purify human consciousness, and how many young hearts are searching for something real and beautiful!  So give it to them. Bring art to the people—where it belongs. We should have not only museums, theatres, universities, public libraries, railway stations and hospitals but even prisons decorated and beautified. Then we shall have no more prisons."Nicholas Roerich

"Create, Create and Create! Create in daytime, create at night; for creation in thought is as essential as our physical expression. In this creativeness, you shall overcome the most hideous habits of vulgarity, triviality and quarrelling. People sometimes think that creators are very selfish and conceited. But these ugly properties belong to the domain of darkness. When a person ‘climbs’ to the Light, then such an abhorrent husk drops off by itself and man becomes enlightened. His ‘I’ is changed into the concept of ‘We’.Nicholas Roerich 

"He who thinks of a refined conception as colour and sound, culture and harmony, will understand the infinite Hierarchy of Beauty and Knowledge, and having ascended the majestic stairs of achievement, will also lead the pilgrims of life who are following behind."—Nicholas Roerich 

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Inspiring Art, Literature and Film


Some of our greatest films have first been books, for example, such great film classics were adapted from such books as Gone with the Wind, Les Miserables, Captains Courageous, It’s A Wonderful Life, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Godfather, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Phantom of the Opera, Lost Horizon, Kim, A Christmas Carol, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and A Tale of Two Cities. 

First published in 1905, the movie The Little Princess (1939) was adapted from a much-loved novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of The Secret Garden. 



The Little Princess (1939) was a "handsomely mounted" Technicolor film version of the Frances Hodgson Burnett children’s classic, starring Shirley Temple. Sara Crewe (Matthews) shares a life of wonder in exotic India with her devoted father (Cunningham). But war draws Sara’s father into the military and Sara is sent to a New York boarding school run by the strict Miss Minchin (Bron), to whom exuberant Sara is a troublemaker. But with courage, imagination and kindess, Sara overcomes her hardships - changing her life and the fortunes of those around her.



Stunning cinematography! Each frame is like a work of art. It’s truly "Magical realism.

"Stories are powerful things, and some stories reach out and grab you, touching your heart in unexpected ways.

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Joan Holman Message to Media Producers About Using Their Art to Create A Better World:

"Let's use film to create a future world of peace, beauty and truth. Let's take people to this world –on the screen–and implant these images into their consciousness. Let us paint the beautiful pictures, play the beautiful music, and unleash the power of collective visualization to outpicture the world we all hope for. 

We know that we create what we imagine, what we visualize. And, wherever we put our attention is where our our creative energies flow. 

By giving our life force to the creation and viewing of films that show darkness, despair, destruction, we are, in fact, creating that very future for ourselves and for this planet. That is the future through the eyes of people who embrace death, and not life. 

The word 'image' represents the concept of 'i-magic,' or 'eye-magic.' When you have thousands, millions, hundreds of millions of people holding their attention on dark images of the future, that is what will be created for the future. 

So, let's accept the challenge from Hollywood producer Stephen Simon. He says that people are ready for positive futuristic movies. He spoke about the mythical 'Lemurian dreamers,' people who would dream realities for other people. 

Let us be the dreamers who dream a reality of absolute magnificence, and who transform the face of the entertainment industry in America and the world.  

Of course, we must still adhere to the structural patterns of great storytelling, and these movies must be, as Christopher Vogler says, (author of "The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers & Screenwriters') 'dramatic, entertaining, and psychologically true.' "

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The Ringing Cedars of Russia Book Series

The books by Vladimir Megre present a dazzling story about our origin, love, God, the universe, nature, and how we are programmed from our birth, by a system created a few millennia ago by a small group of powerful people. In 2011 the author became Laureate of Gusi Peace Prize. Over 11 million copies of the books have been translated into 20 languages. 

(Please note that the first edition covers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books featuring paintings were executed by renowned artist Alexander Razboinikov, who is among the top Russian nature painters living today. Future editions, with images of flowers, had different covers).

"The Universe itself is a thought, a thought from which was born a dream, which is partially visible as matter. You are infinite, you are eternal, within you are your dreams of creation."— Anastasia


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ANOTHER QUOTE ABOUT NATURE–"Nature reveals to us God’s beauty, glory, power, wisdom, presence, creativity, and, most of all, his loving care. This is why we’re drawn to spend time in the beauty of nature and to enjoy animals. To talk a walk on a beautiful day, play with your dog in the grass, or hold your cat are reliable ways for many people to connect with God’s loving presence.”–Bill Gaulthier

© Joan Holman 2022 - Centerplace Media, LLC - 13033 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 167, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305 - 031522